NEW COUPON APPS for your Iphones,Androids plus Advertising
New Mobile and Facebook Coupon Apps
Just installed , You can be among the FIRST to UPLOAD OUR NEW APPs FREE to your Iphone or Android phone and GET ALL THE LATEST COUPONS INSTANTLY AS THEY COME OUT!
or you may scan these QR codes to your phones
And then, be on the other end with your own business featured on same Apps!
Let us know how it works and well give you and your business a PLUG….
Here are some other fine coupon and discount sites. While they may not have Apps yet they ARE mobile-friendly: Daily Deals
ADVERTISE on Hot Platforms:
Your coupon page 1) Mobile Optimized and available for Upload to smart phones and 2) for Facebook via our apps FREE when you purchase a 10,000 or more mailing. Right now your website may not be optimized for clear cell phone viewing – But we’ll help take care of that. Plus, we’ll be marketing your coupon page as we market our New App Programs…DON’T DELAY – DEADLINE . Call 925.284.7168
NEW COUPON APPS for your Iphones,Androids plus Advertising
Mobile Social Networking Shows Strong Growth in ‘11
Mobile social networking, along with banking and navigation, are poised for strong year-over-year global growth in 2011, according to a white paper from TNS Mobile Life. Data from “The Holistic Portfolio” indicates the percentage of global mobile subscribers performing social networking should rise about 58% this year, from 12% to 19%of market share
BUSINESS OWNERS: Be Among the first to be featured on our New Mobile and Facebook Coupon Apps.
Just installed today, Your Business can be among the FIRST to be featured on our Apps. People will find your business 2 ways:
1) After simple upload of our apps from their phone’s App store, one can visit any of our popular sites, below, on their Iphone or Android phone to find YOUR LATEST COUPONS (which we keep current for you!)
2) We will be doing opt-in Text Blasts, weekly, to a growing list of coupon users. Your latest coupon/text message will go out and IF YOU HAVE A CUSTOMER LIST, WE WILL INCLUDE THESE IN OUR BLASTS.
MOBILE-FRIENDLY IMAGES – Even without our apps, we have reconfigured our websites, along with the apps, to be ‘Mobile-friendly,’ so that images intended for the PC are not distorted but are clearly viewed on a cell phone screen. (Your current website may NOT be optimized for cell phones.)
IT’S TIME! – Your own business featured on Mobile Apps! Plus, we can also blast your text messages to our growing opt-in database of coupon users…Our rates are ridiculously low – even FREE in our special Direct Mail Package!!
CALL FOR DETAILS: 925-284-7168 or 1-888-4-A-COUPON or go to online form or fill in below, print and fax
APPS for the following sites can be uploaded to Iphones or Android Phones: Daily Deals
Your coupon page
1) Mobile Optimized and available for Upload to smart phones and
2) for Facebook via our apps FREE when you purchase a 10,000 or more mailing. Right now your website may not be optimized for clear cell phone viewing – But we’ll help take care of that. Plus, we’ll be marketing your coupon page as we market our New App Programs…
Call 925.284.7168 to get this all FREE when you do our next Coupon Country mailer
Mobile Social Networking Shows Strong Growth in ‘11
Mobile social networking, along with banking and navigation, are poised for strong year-over-year global growth in 2011, according to a white paper from TNS Mobile Life. Data from “The Holistic Portfolio” indicates the percentage of global mobile subscribers performing social networking should rise about 58% this year, from 12% to 19% of market share
PLEASE PRINT, FILL IN BELOW and FAX Back to 925-283-8035 or email your desires to ( Be sure to put ‘COUPON INFO’ in subject line):
I am interested in the following Cost-Effective Top Marketing Platforms:
Please call me to discuss/sign up for:
___ INTERNET (OPTIMIZED) COUPON WEB PAGE (from only $25/mo) – Combines the #1marketing platform today with ever-popular coupons (think GROUPON – only without the fees) Included FREE with DIRECT MAIL (below)
___ DIRECT MAIL CO-OP ADVERTISING – (as low as 198.) – The 2nd most popular and medium targets your specific geographical/demographical markets with low-cost mailer (Coupon Country). Includes everything (design, printing and postage) for less than 2c per home. BONUS: All other media platforms INCLUDED FREE (Internet, Email, Mobile and Facebook/Social) when you do one or more mailings. Our best deal – try us out!
___ EMAIL Blasts (from $25/month) – Opt-in email is stil one of the most popular ad media. No, it’s not spam email We’ve built (and still building) a list of thousands of receptive coupon users. We blast your coupon/message 2-4x per month – how can you go wrong for $25 to reach permission-based email prospects? (Included FREE with DIRECT MAIL)
___ MOBILE Marketing: is the next big thing. By next year it is expected that more people will be shopping from their cell phones than from their PCs. And mobile buyers spend 3x as much as do PC users, according to recent Neilson study. Coupon Country / Yellow Pages Coupons has a new app. Not only can smart phone users upload our app to do frequent shopping but Yellow Pages Coupons is format-ready for cell phones (many companies fail to ‘squeeze down PC-ready content to make it mobile-friendly. Even if one doessn’t have the app, we can still be found, mobile-friendly.
___ FACEBOOK / Social Media – Some call Facebook and Twitter the ‘new email’. It any case, it’s a new market not
to be missed for business. We’ve got our own app for this, too. Call for more details. Included FREE with DIRECT MAIL.)
___ OTHER – And that’s not all. Perhaps you’re interested in solo mailings or other media. If it’s
effective and low cost marketing we can probably help. Just let us know, below, or call 1-888-422-6876
____ **EXTRA BONUS: FREE Famous ROAD TO SUCCESS Poster ($20 value) just for inquiring about our marketing services**
Name _____________________________
Business ________________________________
Email _____________________________
Phone ______________________________
Fax (optional) ______________________
PRINT OUT, FILL IN ABOVE PERTINENT INFO AND FAX BACK TO 925-283-8035 or EMAIL (put ‘COOUPON INFO’ in subject line) or submit online at
Or Call 925-284-7168 or 1-888-4-A-COUPON (1-888-422-6876)
925-284-7168 or 1-888-4-A-COUPON and Get All Other Ad Services FREE or reply to us here or